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Data Fields
GwyfileError Struct Reference

Detailed information about an error. More...

Data Fields

GwyfileErrorDomain domain
 Identifier of the class of errors.
int code
 Particular error code. For errors from the system domain it is equal to errno while for libgwyfile-specific errors values from the GwyfileErrorCode enum are used.
char * message
 Text message describing the error. It is allocated when the error struct is created and freed with gwyfile_error_clear().

Detailed Description

Detailed information about an error.

GwyfileError is modelled after GError and represents a detailed error information that you can optionally obtain from I/O functions.

If you are not interested in the details, you can always pass NULL to all functions taking a GwyfileError** argument. If you pass a pointer to a NULL initialised GwyfileError*, the function will fill it with the error details on failure.

Note the error must be NULL initialised: error pileup is not permitted. Function gwyfile_error_clear() frees the error structure and sets the pointer to NULL again.

checkgeneric.c, client.c, readgeneric.c, readgwy.c, server.c, writegeneric.c, and writegwy.c.

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